Winter 2025 Instructor: Qizhen Zhang Time: Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Location: BA 5256 Discussions: Piazza Office hours: Friday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM or by appointment in BA 5222
Course Description A big move in the development of database management systems in recent years is the migration to the cloud, where users enjoy a variety of benefits, e.g., high availability, scalability, and elasticity, with database as a service. Meanwhile, database system architectures must be adapted to evolving trends in the cloud environment. In this seminar course, we will discuss state-of-the-art cloud database systems recently published in top-tier database venues. Specific topics covered will be serverless, resource (storage and memory) disaggregation, new interconnect technologies (e.g., RDMA and CXL), multi-tenancy, and others. There will also be a final project where groups of students research a specific aspect of cloud databases.
Prerequisites General background in database systems, computer systems, and networking (e.g., CSC343, CSC458, and CSC2209 or equivalent courses) is recommended.
Format This seminar course consists of paper discussions and a final project. You need to form teams of 2-3 students for both paper presentations and the final project.
Paper discussions. We meet for two hours every Friday to discuss two recent papers on a particular topic (see the schedule below). Before Friday, students need to read both papers and submit the reviews (i.e., summary, strengths, weaknesses, and detailed comments on each paper) on HotCrp. During the class, all students are expected to participate in the discussion.
The final project. The second part of the course is to execute a research project on any topic related to cloud data systems. Each team will submit a 1-page project proposal (plus unlimited references) that will be reviewed and approved by the instructor. At the end of the term, each team will give a 15-minute presentation (12-minute talk + 3-minute Q&A) and write a 6-page report (plus unlimited references).
Late Policy
Tentative Schedule