CSC2229: Topics in Computer Networks

Winter 2024: Cloud Networks

Instructor: Qizhen Zhang
Time: Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Zoom only (see the link on Quercus)
Discussions: Piazza
Office hours: Wednesday 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM or by appointment, Zoom only (see the link on Quercus)

Course Description
Cloud computing underpins today's largest online services. Enabling cloud computing are hyperscale data centers where data is stored, processed, and moved at unprecedented scales. Networks in and between data centers are one of the most fundamental components in the cloud---they connect millions of servers to provide computing as a utility.
In this seminar course, we first introduce cloud networks and then delve into the design principles and cutting-edge advancements of these networks. Specifically, we will discuss classic papers that have stood the test of time and recent advances published in top networking conferences.

General background in computer systems and networking (e.g., CSC458/2209) is recommended.

This seminar course consists of paper discussions and a final project.


Late Policy

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Discussion Leader(s) Papers
Jan. 12 Introduction Qizhen Zhang
Jan. 19 Network architecture Qizhen Zhang
Jan. 26 Topology Jiongan Mu - Jason Hu
Kailun Jin - Peiming Yang
Feb. 2 Congestion control Parsa Pazhooheshy - Kai Shen
Jay Yoo - Parsa Pazhooheshy
Feb. 9 Scheduling
Project proposal due
Farid Shafagh - Alireza Shateri
Jason Hu - Farid Shafagh
Feb. 16 No class --
Feb. 23 Load balancing Jiongan Mu - Hongxiao Niu
Jay Yoo - Farid Shafagh
Mar. 1 Workloads Parsa Pazhooheshy - Wenjie Lu
Farid Shafagh - Jiongan Mu
Mar. 8 Programmable switches Wenjie Lu - Peiming Yang
Peiming Yang - Kai Shen
Mar. 15 Distributed computing Alireza Shateri - Jay Yoo
Kai Shen - Wenjie Lu
Mar. 22 Resource allocation Hongxiao Niu - Alireza Shateri
Hongxiao Niu - Jay Yoo
Mar. 29 Virtualization Kai Shen - Jiongan Mu
Wenjie Lu - Jason Hu
Apr. 5 Networking accelerators Jason Hu - Parsa Pazhooheshy
Alireza Shateri - Hongxiao Niu
Apr. 12 No class (final project preparation)
Apr. 19 No class (final project preparation)
Apr. 26 Final presentations
Project report due